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snoflake's travel recommendations

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Addis Red Sea

Fantastic Ethiopian food and brilliant atmosphere. Eating at Addis is all about the experience. Everything on the menu is delicious and reasonable. It is also quite a thrill to be able to eat with your hands and have it be acceptable. Also, the honey wine is the nectar of the Gods and is a must for any meal. You won't be disappointed at this really unique restaurant.

Address: 544 Tremont Street
United States
Phone: + 001.617.4268727
Price: budget

snoflake 's travel tips
United States
    Savannah (3)
    Seattle (4)
    Eugene (2)
    New York (3)
    Tacoma (1)
    Holbrook (1)
    New Orleans (3)
    Regent (1)
    Boston (8)
    Ephrata (1)
    Philadelphia (1)
    Cambridge (4)
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