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Bukowski's Tavern

Amazing Bar with an excellent atmosphere. There are two in the city of Boston. The other is in Somerville on Cambridge Street and serves hard alcohol, while this one sticks with just beer, but boy do they have beer! A huge selection to choose from and the food is incredible. Be brave and try the Peanut Butter Hamburger, you won't be disappointed!

Address: 50 Dalton Street
United States
Phone: + 001.617.4379999
Price: mid range

snoflake 's travel tips
United States
    Savannah (3)
    Seattle (4)
    Eugene (2)
    New York (3)
    Tacoma (1)
    Holbrook (1)
    New Orleans (3)
    Regent (1)
    Boston (8)
    Ephrata (1)
    Philadelphia (1)
    Cambridge (4)
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