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Christina's Homemade Ice Cream

information about united-states  Cambridge - United States, Massachusetts

This place serves the most unbelievable and distinctive flavors of ice cream on earth. My personal favorite is burnt sugar. It tastes exactly like creme brulee, and is perfect on its own. For those who love a little hot fudge or toppings, Christina's sundaes are heaven. This is truly the best ice cream in the city, maybe even in the United States.

Address: 1255 Cambridge Street
United States
Phone: + 001.617.492.7021
Price: budget

snoflake 's travel tips
United States
    Savannah (3)
    Seattle (4)
    Eugene (2)
    New York (3)
    Tacoma (1)
    Holbrook (1)
    New Orleans (3)
    Regent (1)
    Boston (8)
    Ephrata (1)
    Philadelphia (1)
    Cambridge (4)
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