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Edgar Allen Poe National Historic Site

information about united-states  Philadelphia - United States, Pennsylvania

What can I say? It is Edgar Allen Poe's house located in the middle of a bustling city. The genius of a great man walked in these hallways, slept within these walls and concocted his fantastic tales within this cellar. There is nothing like feeling the essence of a mastermind as you walk in his footsteps. Admisision is free and offers an eight minute video of the tragedy and mystery that is Poe.

Address: 532 N. Seventh Street
United States
Phone: + 001.215.5978780
Price: budget

snoflake 's travel tips
United States
    Savannah (3)
    Seattle (4)
    Eugene (2)
    New York (3)
    Tacoma (1)
    Holbrook (1)
    New Orleans (3)
    Regent (1)
    Boston (8)
    Ephrata (1)
    Philadelphia (1)
    Cambridge (4)
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