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Posted: 2002-09-29 12:08:00  
Hi all!!
I would love (no, I would LOOOOOOOOOVE) to go to Argentina, the sooner the better. I know about the economic situation and all that but I really need to go there.
The thing is that I do not really know where to go, I would like to see Buenos Aires but above all I want to spend some time in Patagonia. Can anyone help me as to where I can find cheap plane fares, accomodation and all that. Do you think I can find someone who still does the "hospedajes"? I know times are hard there and it might be hard to find but who knows...I can always ask!
Thanks a lot.
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Posted: 2002-10-09 20:59:00  
Do not worry about economy: your dollar is worth more
now in Argentina than before.
For domestic air travel ask your agent to issue the airpass.
Yes, there are hospedajes or pensiones as well as the youth hostels. Patagonia is huge area. In my opinion the highlight is
Moreno Glacier accessible from Calafate.
More details you will find in Lonely Planet guide.
Wojtek --- You can lose everything, but nobody will take away what you saw and what you experienced... W.D.
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Posted: 2002-10-11 14:33:00  
thanks a lot for the info. Is it ok to go there with euros? I know other currencies are worth more there but I feel bad about it, and my question was more about if people still do that kind of thing given the conditions in which THEY have to live now.
Have you ever been to Patagonia? you seem to know it well! If you have could you tell me a bit more about it, cuz my interest in Argentinia came quite suddenly and I won't deny that I know very little about it, but f*ck knows I reall really want to go.
Thanks a lot for answering to me Wojtekd;)
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Posted: 2002-10-11 17:17:00  
South America except French Guyana is the kingdom of dollar. So you will loose if you will bring euros there....
What else? Don't be surprised: the landscape of Patagonia east of the Andes is rather monotonous. If you like birds
and marine wildlife Valdes peninsula is a place to go.
What I really recommend is to fly before or after your patagonian trip to the Falls of Iguasu. There is nothing comparable to Iguasu in the whole world (I am great
waterfalls fan - see Iguasu and others on my polish page:
and more argentinians pics on:
Wojtek --- You can lose everything, but nobody will take away what you saw and what you experienced... W.D.
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Posted: 2003-08-10 06:34:00  
The lake district in Patagonia is very beautiful. I took the bus through the region and Argentinan buses are great in outside of Patagonia, but in Patagonia they are just fair to good. Calafate is a great place for activities and to see a glacier close up.
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Posted: 2006-04-14 11:30:00  
My two cents for visitors interested in Argentina. For geek´s the web might have almost all neccesary info, but always good books are a excellent resources to target more accurately what travelers desire, are interested in , etc.. So visit your close bookstore, gather in the web sites as Globosapiens and build up a "sharp" plan ...your future trip probably will provide what you are looking for without unexpected / not wanted , bad surprises..
Regarding book´s Miranda France´s " Bad Times in Argentina" is OK for a start...
--- Santiagov
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