
Joined: Dec 04 Points: 94
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Posted: 2004-12-28 00:16:00  
I'm going to Brazil to travel for 3 months (Jan. 04 to April 04 2005). I am looking for someone to show me the local flavour of their area. I would like to learn more about your language, culture, food, and unique aspects about being Brazilian. In return, I will do the same when you come to visit my area. We can also exchange ideas, world views, and share a bit of our different culture.
I've traveled extensively around the world: china, southeast asia, europe, part of the middle east, southeast africa and now I'm heading to Brazil. I've always found that it is most enjoyable is when I make friends at the places I am traveling.
Brazil is a vast country and I am open to traveling anywhere anytime within Jan. 04 to April 04. The only certainty I have is that I will be in Rio De Janerio during the carnival. I am planning to visit Northeast Brazil, Curitiba, Pantanal, and the Amazon. However, my plans are not set and I am flexible and open to changes. Would you be interested in chatting first and see where that goes.
This is a genuine email. I am a social worker and we as a profession is very caring and honest. I work with people who are poor and people struggling with addiction to drugs.
I'm also looking for people to travel with.
sikee --- Sikee
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Posted: 2005-01-19 04:19:00  
Hi Sikeeliu,
You might like to visit Casa do Caminho, which is an orphanage on the outskirts of Rio in a town called Xerem. I stayed for 6 months in Brazil last year and actually set up a system for international volunteers to help out there just for a small donation to the director to cover food and expenses whilst there. I am a social worker too, and always find ways to utilise myself when I travel that will fulfil my desire to be a part of the culture as well as to offer help in whatever way I can.
It is definitley best if you will be somehow conversant in Portuguese if you will choose to go there so that you can offer your help and love to the children more effectively.
YOu can read more about Casa do Caminho at www.kidsworldwide.org if you like.
Good luck with your journey! --- kiran
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Posted: 2005-01-19 14:05:00  
Hi, Sikee,
from Seoul Korea.
I'm also going to Brazil with my friend tomorrow as backpackers
but I don't have much info on it. Well, I hope to have someone
who lives in Brazil.
We're going to travel there for about 50days. Much excited at it.
See you...
Jack Chang
contact me via my globo address
[ This Message was edited by: downundergal on 2005-01-20 00:16 ] --- jackchang7 ... Seize the moment!
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Posted: 2005-09-05 21:22:00  
Hey Sikee!!
My name is Serene and funny enough I'm from Vancouver, B.C. and am also travelling in Brazil for 3 months from Jan. 21 to April 22 and am hoping to meet some people to possibly travel with.
I am 22, have travelled lots, and would like to have some contacts/buddies while i'm there.
I really liked your post. I ma going to Brazil for the same reasons you are and I feel like we share some common interests.
Let me know if you're interested! --- Shine on you crazy diamonds
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Posted: 2005-11-26 00:09:00  
hwy there!! i'll be in brazil! i lived in brazil before for a year so i speak the lanuage and know the culture. i'll be there late january. we should meet up. drop me an e-mail
i'm from Nelson BC so we're close by already
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