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voluntary work in Arequipa - Colca Valley

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Joined: Jan 06
Points: 61
Posts: 1

Posted: 2006-01-22 17:49:00   

Dear all travellers:

My name is katherine and i m looking for a woman or man , you can speak some spanish to teach English to local guides at the Colca Valley, specificly in Cabanaconde Town.This is great town only 20 minutes by bus to Condor Cross , and amazing place to see the wonderful Condors.

We require a person with sense of humor and with patient .

The volunteer will make a big change in the town .. why?

You are going to teach English to people between 17-40 years old. They normally work at the land and sometimes they work as a tour guide but they only earn $5.00 a day.

when you can help us:

February -April

APril - june

June -August

Our company wants to help them, because if they can speak english , they can earn a little more.Because the most of the companies hire only professional guides who can speak english.

We offer accomodation , breakfast and material to teach.

If you want more information. you can contact me on my globo address

Kind Regards


[ This Message was edited by: downundergal on 2006-01-23 09:42 ]

Every day is new day to change katicita

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Posted: 2006-01-22 19:15:00   


I should have loved the idea if I were younger and fitter. I can assure anybody thinking about it that the Colca Canyon is possibly the most marvellous place I've seen. This is a great opportunity for the right person.


Grieve not for that which you cannot do but rejoice in that which you can.

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posting by moderator

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Joined: Jun 02
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Posted: 2006-01-23 09:43:00   

What a great opportunity for someone with time on their hands.

I hope you find someone.



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