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Salamanca travel guide - Travel advice by real travelers on Salamanca, Spain!

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Travel guide to Salamanca
reflection of Salamanca's cathedrals
reflection of Salamanca's cathedrals
Salamanca is known everywhere from the picture of its exquisite Plaza Mayor, often said to be the best in Spain. It was a stopping point for many on the pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostella and the Casa de Conchas, now a municipal library, is covered in stone scallop shells, the badge of the pilgrimage.
The old University buildings with their plateresque stone carvings are spectacular, though sadly not very extensive.
Two sets of cloisters have to be seen as well as the cathedral. These are those at the Basilica de San Estoban and those of the Convento de las Duenas, from where the Cathedral can be seen towering above the cloistered walls.
All the central area is of a uniform honey-coloured stone. [edit text]  [editors]

Salamanca's travel tips, pictures, advice

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Travel reports on Salamanca

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Stately Salamanca and nearby cities 
Salamanca,  Spain 
davidx  rating  2005-01-03

Travel tips on Salamanca

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Lazarillo de Tormes

Spain - Salamanca jorgesanchez

Don Quijote Café

Spain - Salamanca jorgesanchez

El Convento de las Duenas

Spain - Salamanca davidx

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