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Valencia travel guide - Travel advice by real travelers on Valencia, Spain!

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Travel guide to Valencia
Valencia is expanding its number of visitors, and not surprisingly so. It has some fabulous buildings and museums, including one showing the best fallas for each year [see travel tip]. The Ceramics Museum is a national museum and is quite outstanding. The Bellas Artes Museum is said to be second in Spain to the Prado in Madrid. The Loja de sela [silk exchange] is a remarkable Gothic building from the 15th century - makes you wish more non-religious buildings from that time had been preserved.
The 21st century development is the Ciudad de Artes y Ciencias [City of Arts and Sciences]. It doesn’t translate readily but their description of it as a "leisure complex" is way off target. One can find a science museum and a great pavilion of the arts, which is a venue for all types of shows, but the most stunning of all is the Oceanografic [see forthcoming report].
The Cathedral contains what has been officially defined by the Vatican as the Holy Grail, the cup used at The Last Supper. [edit text]  [editors]

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Museum Bellas Artes

Museum Bellas Artes

Spain - Valencia davidx

Accommodation Valencia

Spain - Valencia vedouze

Clot Taverna

Spain - Valencia marie-ange

area cafe

Spain - Valencia marie-ange

area cafe

Spain - Valencia marie-ange

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