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Posted: 2009-03-11 01:36:00   

Since joining Globo I have very much enjoyed the uploaded pictures and comments and have rated or commented as I see them, lot of these have nabled me to appreciate parts of the world that I may never see in reality and am therefore grateful for for these insights into other cultures and countries but I feel a lttle disappointed at not being allowed to rate or comment on albums as I feel that a lot of thought and time has gone into preparing some of these. If artists and musicians only ever produced material for themselves nobody would have heard of Da Vinci or Wagner, I am not suggesting that we have a membership of geniuses but if they didn't want anybody to see their efforts they wouldn't publish them and comments and ratings would encourage more instead of overloading the pics column with adozen or more pics at a time, I would appreciate any feedback on this subject, Regards, Tony.

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Posted: 2009-03-11 16:26:00   


I have thought about this subject last night, and I am not entirely convinced that rating of albums would make that much difference. We currently have tools to provide feedback on albums, and all other material, which I think is sufficient. Members are free to leave comments on guestbooks and send messages, which provide a lot of space to express their feelings about the uploads.

I agree that albums do require this extra effort to select and sort the photographs, and it would be great if time spent on Globo to share these collections was appreciated and rewarded. But I am not sure this necessarily have to be stars. In fact, 'how many stars'; 'meaning of stars'; 'side taking'; 'underrating'; 'overrating'; etc have all been seen much too often on our fora, debated to death, and distracted members from what this community is about - sharing, I think.

Instead, I think it would be better if we could introduce a nomination process for the Album of the Month Award. There are not that many albums created each month, but if there were, Andy could pre-select the nominees and then we could vote for the winner - or the other way round. I realise that this would require a bit of site development effort, and I am not sure Andy has enough capacity to do it.

I look forward to seeing how this discussion goes on, actually.

Kindest regards

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Posted: 2009-03-11 20:32:00   

Each day learn a little more about the various aspects of Globo and it's members, Krys has put forward a very good solution to my topic and I, for one , would fully support his suggestion he proposes ie, album of the month, this may help to alleviate the pressure on the :recent pictures: subject whre a lot of pics on the same area are uploaded in one go, this not a criticism of the pictures, most of which are excellent, but if an album of these were created and an opportunity existed to post a comment, if not a rating, I feel sure that many more albums would be uploaded because some pic series lend themselves to this medium. Thank you for taking me seriously Krys.

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Posted: 2009-03-11 20:38:00   

looking for a chance to show how much a new album is appreciated by other members is a honorable undertaking. But as I already discussed with some friends before I don't think it is inevitably necessary to create an own rating system for slide shows since we normally have rated the single pics and comments before and can laud the albums in guestbook entries. Nevertheless Krys' proposal for a certain form of AoM co-determination seems interesting to me.
Best regards - Petra

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Posted: 2009-03-11 22:31:00   

--- quoting pesu ---
looking for a chance to show how much a new album is appreciated by other members is a honorable undertaking. But as I already discussed with some friends before I don't think it is inevitably necessary to create an own rating system for slide shows since we normally have rated the single pics and comments before and can laud the albums in guestbook entries. Nevertheless Krys' proposal for a certain form of AoM co-determination seems interesting to me.
Best regards - Petra

--- end quote ---

Hello Everyone
My opinion on this is as follows,I think the current system is great and that Andy is doing a sterling job of picking AoM.I also like the idea of signing the guestbooks and giving an opinion on the albums,because I think that most members would rather see encouraging words for their albums rather than stars and all the albums that I have seen since joining Globo have been really good.So enough from me apart from the old saying If it isn't broke don't try to fix it! Best Regards,Fred.

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Posted: 2009-03-13 01:04:00   

Hello All,

Well, I've read everyone's comments and I see pros and cons to them all. As for Petra's comment about most of us have rated the pics individually, I can't say that is true for me. In many of these albums, there are pics that were uploaded months earlier and many members have mulitple pages of pics. Nearly every time I look at an album, I see pics I have not seen before.

And if you don't have the time to spend hours on Globo looking at all the new uploaded pics, albums are a great way to get caught up. As much as I like looking at individual pics, I don't always have the time it requires to properly look at everything. Krys, this is why I love looking at your albums. You've been to a staggering amount of places in the world and a nice, tidy album is a great way for me to get caught up on all that you have seen and done (as are reports). Taking time to rate each pic would require time that I don't always have.

As for our being able to vote on an album each month, I'm not sure I'm up for that idea. Because in doing that, what's to keep us from then voting on PoM, RoM, MoM? I like Andy picking the tops and agree with Fred in that aspect, if it's not broken, don't fix it. I just wanted it to be nice and easy to vote on an album once I've finished seeing it. I guess I'm lazy! :-)

Warm reggards to everyone,

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Posted: 2009-03-13 01:50:00   

Hi again,
Jill: I can follow your point that an album gives us a good summary. Don't you think Andy is also influenced by the ratings of the pics and reports when he makes his choice? Why not meditate on another form of a slight 'codetermination'?
But at the end I could live with both suggestions.
Best regards to all - Petra

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Posted: 2009-03-13 01:27:00   

I started this topic and never realised what response there would be! all the suggestions have been well thought out and expressed, Jill summed it up most eloquently with her point about the time available to view each individual pic, and possibly rate and comment on each, surely there must be a way to reach a compromise,eg a certain number of pic uploads in one go and spread the pics over several days, I am sure that more attention would be paid to each pic if it were so. Having said my piece I congratulate Andy on a brilliant job of running the site. May you prosper.

I am no longer a stranger in a strange land.

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