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Suggestions group posting on GLOBOsapiens

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How about a new forum: Travel writing

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Joined: May 02
Points: 8313
Posts: 809

Posted: 2004-09-20 22:19:00   

Hi everybody,

maybe you followed some recend discussions on picture and report quality. This made me realize that there are quite a few members really interested in publishing great articles and improving their travel writing skills. So why not create a forum where we can discuss all that and help each other. The forum starts to pick up, but there is really a common interest missing (besides travel destinations).

At the moment there is camera gear and digital photography which I would like to make one out of it and replace the other one with travel publishing or similar.

Before I do that, I would like to know if there is an interest on such a forum and if anybody would like to moderate it. This might be a good idea to get a topic where we find enough people interested into taking part on the discussion, plus it might help to increase the overall quality of GLOBO content.

What do you guys think?


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Posted: 2004-09-21 08:16:00   

On 2004-09-20 22:19:00, andreas wrote:
Hi everybody,

maybe you followed some recend discussions on picture and report quality. This made me realize that there are quite a few members really interested in publishing great articles and improving their travel writing skills. So why not create a forum where we can discuss all that and help each other. The forum starts to pick up, but there is really a common interest missing (besides travel destinations).

At the moment there is camera gear and digital photography which I would like to make one out of it and replace the other one with travel publishing or similar.

Before I do that, I would like to know if there is an interest on such a forum and if anybody would like to moderate it. This might be a good idea to get a topic where we find enough people interested into taking part on the discussion, plus it might help to increase the overall quality of GLOBO content.

What do you guys think?



I agree it is an excellent idea to have a separate Travel Writing Forum. It is a possible area where we can all learn from each other and hopefully improve our styles and GLOBO’s content.

Similarly to merge Digital Photography and Camera Gear into Photography is a sensible idea.

Cheers, Brit


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Posted: 2004-09-21 10:54:00   

Hi Andy,

What a perfect idea: Travel Writing Forum. When you say publishing great articles, were you thinking of publishing them on GLOBO? Because that would be the ideal situation. On the other hand once people start writing seriously they may try to find paying markets. You should have a restriction of some kind that articles published on GLOBO cannot be sold to other markets.

Once you have a travel writing forum people may start exchanging addresses of paying markets. Their demands are generally different from your requirements so I don’t think this is a threat.

I am the moderator of a Yahoo (travel) writing group and the most interesting feature of this group is that we submit articles, stories etc. and receive feedback on how to improve our articles. There are guidelines how to critique and how to handle critique on your own work. This is absolutely necessary because some people take critiques as a personal attack, which is not true, of course. Critiques are a very good way to improve writing skills.

As this is an international group improvements in writing skills could be twofold. On the one hand helping each other writing better structured and better style articles and for non-native speakers of English also improving grammar constructions.

I am definitely interested in a Travel Writing Forum. It would be interesting to know how many GLOBOS are also interested and what kind of travel forum is needed: correcting each other’s work (style and grammar or only style)or more superficial and simply talking about writing, not showing examples.


“I travel not to go anywhere, but to go. I travel for travel’s sake. The great affair is to move.” Robert Louis Stevenson

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Posted: 2004-09-21 12:09:00   

I think that a copyright preventing plagiarism is an excellent idea. I understand that is the extent of the current copyright protection on photographs published on Globosapiens. In other words it prevents others from copying and publishing your work elsewhere but does not stop you using or selling your own work anywhere in the world. (No doubt Andreas will confirm?)

I would be most unhappy giving any copyright restriction limiting the publication of my own reports and photographs just to Globosapiens or any other publisher. Like many other writers, if I can sell my work to a publisher, it helps pay the bills, defray the cost expended on travelling, writing and photography. Similarly, if you write an article and sell it exclusively then the buyer will pay a more attractive fee because he may well be able to syndicate it and sell it on. Globosapiens pays nothing – nor should it!

Items and articles published on Globosapiens are published without payment. Is it the intention to restrict the site to pure amateur travellers and writers or do we welcome travellers striving to gain a reputation and income as freelance travel writers and or photographers whilst appreciating and contributing to the membership of free sites like Globosapiens?

Many professional writers undertake commissions and charge a publication fee and/or claim expenses after first gaining the interest of editors and travel writing professionals. Others are invited by travel companies, airlines, tour operators, hotel chains and the like to visit their destinations and write about them – for money. They of course have to be accurate, fun and most of all readable!

It is easy to find a directory of paying markets – there are several publications and many web-sites dedicated to this.

I think that this proposed Travel Writing Forum is an ideal training and learning ground for all travel writers be they amateur or professional. We all have to start somewhere and Globosapiens is an ideal foundation for that start. Of course the hope is, that as we gain experience and our talents become skills, then we can assist and support Globosapiens Community with our own travel pleasures, tales and experiences!


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posting by staff

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Joined: May 02
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Posted: 2004-10-02 15:43:00   

Hello Marianne, Brit,

I have just merged digital photography and camera gear to create space for "Travel writing". Both of you have shown interest in moderating this forum. I would love to see if one of you would like to moderate another forum. There are severals to pick from. I have found that it is extremly difficult for me to go through all of the postings by beeing the moderator myself. At the moment I have placed marianne as the moderator of the travel forum. She is a teacher by profession and is already moderating a similar group.

How about you Brit, do you see another forum which you could think off moderating? Moderation means to keep the forum clean by watching that the topic stays in line with what this special forum is about. Also it means encouraging the people to go deaper into conversation and so on. Like a moderator in real world. Would you go for another forum?

Best regards,


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