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Travel Tips - New Category?

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Joined: Aug 03
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Posted: 2009-05-15 12:09:00   

Would it be possible to add a new category under Travel Tips for 'Transportation"? David had a wonderful tip regarding a tour bus in his Edinbrough Report and I wanted to leave a tip a similar tip regarding a bus service in San Francisco. Early this month I left a tip regarding the train service in Thailand under Tour Operator instead but "Transporation" seems like it might be more useful.

Life is not measured by the breaths you take but by the moments that take your breath away. Profile Pic: Tikal, Guatemala

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Posted: 2009-05-15 12:09:00   

I certainly think there should be a place to look for tips like this - although I have put up a travel tip for Edinburgh about mine. I do feel sometimes that there is a mass of information on Globo that does not reach those who might benefit - because it is not clear where they should look.

However I am not convinced that a new category is needed. I should be happy to see these included on the Open Board and to broaden its description to make it obvious that they should be found there. otherwise there are the 'continental' groups or travel tips.

Another thing is timetables. I spent a long time on another board putting up good sources of information and gave up because hardly anybody else joined in. I should be happy to try this on the Open Board as well -BUT ONLY IF OTHERS are willing to contribute.

[edited by davidx at 2009-05-14 16:02]

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Posted: 2009-05-15 12:09:00   

I have thought about this further and I think we could do with a new group or some other way to tell members, particularly new members, where to find information. it would also indicate to people like Eire and myself where to put particular tips.
If it's best done in a group, it could simply be called 'posting and finding tips.' At the same time, perhaps we could do with some new options for travel tips. There is no obvious place to post special buildings. Continent Travel Groups seem too generic for somewhere like Tewkesbury Abbey (say) and for a travel tip it is neither a secret place nor a museum. If we mean stately homes, fine cathedrals and other dramatic buildings to be included under any of these headings, we must have some way of telling people.

[edited by davidx at 2009-05-15 12:09]

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Posted: 2009-05-18 18:44:00   

Hi there,

I think there is still room for new groups provided that they do group information logically. 'Timetables' is a good one. 'Bus rides' and 'train journeys' are perhaps are also good. The jolly good thing about the Groups is that all members are welcome to create them...

Kindest regards

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