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Clif of Moher 2's by tadejbozic

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information about ireland  KillarneyIreland, Kerry
Beautifull nature
Uploaded: Aug, 18 2008 | Taken: Aug, 27 2003| Viewed: 84 times  | 11 votes
Camera: FUJI PHOTO FILM CO., LTD. | Model: SP-2000 | SW: Microsoft Windows Photo Gallery 6.0.6001.18000

pesu - Aug, 18 2008 12:08pm
Think I'm suffering from acrophobia but the pic is great!

horourke - Aug, 18 2008 12:08pm
captures the essnce of this location which escaped my best efforts. The tourist density, the majesty of the cliffs, the endless changing light. Very well done.

basia - Aug, 18 2008 04:08pm
Fascinating place. Well done.

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