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Amanda's Travel log

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Hi, it's all about the adventure... ((*_*))

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Apr 25, 2017 12:00 AM The walled city of Valletta

The walled city of Valletta A lovely break in a beautiful city. I really enjoyed being there and had a great time walking around. There is a great feel for the place very quaint.

Apr 24, 2017 12:00 AM The largest city in Malta - Sliema

The largest city in Malta - Sliema I have a lot of clients who work here and was wondering what was the draw. I suppose this is the business centre of the country.

I hadn't done much research before I came so wasn't sure to expect. The first thing that struck me was the beach or lack off. Apparently there are only two sand beaches on the island. After just coming from the Caribbean there was no desire to take a deep into the Med.

Apr 19, 2017 12:00 AM Beautiful little St Kitts

Beautiful little St Kitts St Kitts is a wonderful little island. But it was so funny every time I asked a local for direction they always said they didn't know. It was the strangest thing I'd ever seen. But I had a nice journey around the island and would like to go back. I did met this nice guy who cut down a coconut and gave me some water to drink he was so nice and it was a really nice gesture.

Apr 18, 2017 12:00 AM Philipsburg

Philipsburg This is a really nice place to stop. I didn't do anything cultural but I so enjoyed the beach life. I didn't realize that a lot of people go there to shop, but that's not what I wanted.

I was walking along the pier when my hat blew off and into the drink. I can’t believe. It just bought it, what a waste of money.

I'm still yet to visit the French side but that is for another journey.

Apr 17, 2017 12:00 AM The island city of San Juan Puerto Rico

The island city of San Juan Puerto Rico I didn't realise that San Juan was situated on an island, and that they have a series of bridges which joins it to the mainland.

We actually got into the city 2 hours late because a man went overboard from an NCL vessel and we were ask to help in the search for him. We spend two hours looking but it turned out that a Celebrity vessel found him. It was the first time I had been involved with a search and rescue and it left me with an odd feeling as someone choses to end their life that way.

But in reality it didn't effect my day that much and we soon made up the time lost and it really allowed me to do everything during my day which I would have actually had to chose.

I would love to come back to the island and visit the beaches.

Apr 16, 2017 12:00 AM Haiti - only just

Haiti - only just I am able to tick another country of my list but only just. I went to Labadee and even though it is located on the island of Hispanola there was no culture to be found.

This was just a beach resort for a day trip with not too much interaction with locals.

If I never went back it would be too soon, but I have to say that I did have a good day and if will to spend some serious money it is a great adrenaline rush with the different activities available.

Apr 15, 2017 12:00 AM Florida Keys

Florida Keys This is the first time really drove in the states and decided to head to the keys. I believe it is a 3 hour drive from Miami on route 1 and it is very hard to get lost as there is one road in and the same road out.

I tried to google the directions and it mentioned a route which was 4 minutes quicker. I was just wonder where it wanted to take me. Scary

Feb 25, 2017 12:00 AM Where in the world should I go....

Where in the world should I go.... I'm want to travel to far destinations this year, but it doesn't look like that is going to be possible.

But I so want to go on holiday, on the cards are Bermuda, Slovenia, and the USA. And if I could one long haul it would be to go to Burma. That would be absolutely awesome.

Dec 01, 2016 11:00 PM Finally home

Finally home It's good to be back in the UK. I had an amazing trip and was so very happy to get to Cuba finally. It was kind of what I expected but so very different. I've always to explore non English speaking parts of the Caribbean and now my second island. The next on the list would be the ABCs for me. But let's see how I can achieve that.

Nov 30, 2016 11:00 PM Homeward bound

Homeward bound A nice time in good company. But happy to head home. Shame yesterday I didn't make the effort to go to Trinidad. But just didn't have the desire to do any more travelling. Two weeks and so many miles travelled. So many things seen and experienced. If I every make it back to Havana I will head to Trinidad. But after going to Antigua earlier this year, I can wait a while.

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