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Amanda's Travel log

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Hi, it's all about the adventure... ((*_*))

Log entries 31 - 40 of 502 Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Jun 18, 2018 12:00 AM 2 days a year I'm a sports fan...

2 days a year I'm a sports fan... For two days a year I become a tennis fan as the grass court season comes to town. I headed to down to Queens for amazing day of fun in the sun as even the weather was obliging.

I was lucky to have been able to go inside the player's lounge and it pretty cool checking them hang out, having lunch, watching a tennis match or getting their haircut. The first day of a tournament is always exciting with so many marquee players around.

The schedule for the day had a lot of good matches including two young British upstarts - Cameron Norrie and Jay Clarke. Jay Clarke, playing his first match in a main draw, but with each ball the crowd was living and dying with every point. Seeing him grow in confidence as the sets rolled on was exhilarating. The sad thing was that neither was able to make it over the finish line first. But I really saw the potential. Let's up I hear good things from them both in the further.

Jun 03, 2018 12:00 AM Up, up and away; leaving Mumbia

Up, up and away; leaving Mumbia What an amazing journey, I think my favourite country was Laos, not sure why but the towns were amazing. Now I have fifteen hours aboard this aircraft with a layover in Mumbai.

Jun 02, 2018 12:00 AM Another day of shopping

Another day of shopping Saturday is a big shopping day in Bangkok. The please to head is Chatuchak Market. Its a huge weekend market which nearly everything on sale. It was so large I felt like I kept on getting lost.

Jun 01, 2018 12:00 AM Whoop, whoop back in Bangkok, - Bangkok, Thailand

Whoop, whoop back in Bangkok, - Bangkok, Thailand Third trip to Bangkok, so there's not much need to see the sights. This trip is about shopping so headed for MKB to get a bargain. I really should have done some more research so hope it was the best place to shop.

May 31, 2018 12:00 AM The end is in sight - Chiang Mai, Thailand

The end is in sight - Chiang Mai, Thailand Another relaxing day. I had plans of travelling to the hillside and do the famous climb.

But as it happened I just lay by the pool, and then in the net chairs. I went for a walk but just hung around the hotel.

Eventually I went out to the mall and the night market and then just headed back.

My holiday is coming to an end but it has just been so incredible.

My plan was to take the overnight train back into Bangkok but to fly was so cheap and wasn't uncomfortable in the slightest. I finally flew with Thai Airways and I would love to do it again. The landing was smooth as silk, lol But its all what its cracked up to be.

May 30, 2018 12:00 AM Another aeroplane ride - Chiang Mai

Another aeroplane ride - Chiang Mai I had the most amazing breakfast. Well I had banana pancakes and honey. It wasn't really amazing but I enjoyed it so much.

I then took a tuk-tuk to the airport. As I traveled, a motorcyclist was riding behind me. As we boarded the aeroplane, it was the same man directing the captains. Sometimes the world can be small.

I chose a new funky hotel (opened only 3 months ago) which was a little techy. I know it isn't a big thing but the rooms had door bell and at a touch of a button allows your room to be cleaned. They provided a nice breakfast and anything left over they would leave in the fridge so that guests could help themselves to. They also provided bottled water all day which was unusual but everything was well considered. I loved staying then.

May 29, 2018 12:00 AM Templed out... Luang Prabang, Laos

Templed out... Luang Prabang, Laos Today I was a bit tired so after breakfast I just retired to my veranda to watch the world go by. I was feeling a little templed out, after visiting so many Stupas, pagodas and temples over the last couple of weeks.

After the heavy rain yesterday and last night a sink hole has emerged across the road from my guesthouse and you could see ministers come and go to see the damage.

The Mekong River seem a lot higher and I noticed that it was pushing water upstream on the Nam Kham. Little boats trying to get across the Mekong was pushed way downstream before they managed to cross the river.

There are two popular waterfalls to visit here: Kaung Si and Tad Sae, and there are a lot of people around town who'll encourage you to visit one of these. Plus there was Pak Ou caves.

Later on, I went to the night market; where they closed off the road to ensure everyone was able to display they wares. I headed off for dinner and that was the end of an incredibly enjoyable day.

May 28, 2018 12:00 AM Short sharp shot - Vang Vieng

Short sharp shot - Vang Vieng It was only a short time in this wonderful little town and I will really need to return and spend a little more time on my next visit.

The rains finally came, over night and this morning, but the place never looked so beautiful. The morning was bright and I managed to see men fishing on the river. I didn't see the catch but it was so interesting to see them.

The rain followed us all the way up the mountains on our journey to Luang Prabang. We stopped at this wonderful stop high on the mountains and it would have been brilliant as they have a lookout, but all I could see was the low cloud cover. I was very disappointed as it was so cold as well.

As we came down into Luang Prabang the weather improved and it became sunnier and warmer. We arrived just after lunch as the driver done a pit stop just outside town for lunch. It was very cheap on 20kip per plate.

After a short tuk-tuk ride from the bus station we ended up at our river view guesthouse for couple of nights. The town is situation at the intersection of the Khan River and the Mekong. I believe its a world heritage town for cultural importance.

After a bit of shopping, the sunset on Mount Phousi, the best view in Luang Prabang I'm told.

May 27, 2018 12:00 AM Road trip - Vang Vieng, Laos

Road trip - Vang Vieng, Laos After breakfast decided to get a bus to Vang Vieng, but this was coming up to 6 or 7 hours, so decided to take a van which as only 3 hours. It's a little more expensive but well worth it and the brilliant thing is that they picked me up from my hotel.

I arrive into the town and headed for the tourist information centre, but it turns out that its closed today. The funny thing is when you're travelling its hard to remember what day of the week it is.

I think my hotel was only 1 km from the centre as was going to get a tuk-tuk. He decided to charge me 10kip per person, which isn't a lot but it seems a lot for being in the centre of town. So decided to walk around before heading to the hotel and we just happened on the river and saw some bungalows. It turned out that was right where we needed to be

So on the cards for the rest of the day is tubing down to river and a hot air balloon.

Gosh I love this place already. My bungalow was right on the river bank and to the back lovely mountains. It was so idyllic.

May 26, 2018 12:00 AM Lazy day in the capital - Vientiane, Laos

Lazy day in the capital - Vientiane, Laos Mad dogs and Englishman are out at the heat of the day. I headed for the market to get some local produce. I ended up trying mangosteen which doesn't look anything like a mango but it was really love. I know I'd heard of this before but I don't ever remember trying it. Once you've peeled away the outer shell the actual fruit is so small and eating one seems a waste of time, you need at least three to get the taste.

On the list for the day was visiting Pha That Luang - the gold buddhist stupa; That Dam - bell-shaped stupa; Talat Sao - the morning market; Patuxai - the war memorial built 1968, and really just enjoy the day.

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