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Amanda's Travel log

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Hi, it's all about the adventure... ((*_*))

Log entries 71 - 80 of 502 Page: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Aug 25, 2017 12:00 AM Climb every mountain

Climb every mountain More or less slept upright and feel so exhausted getting back on the bike. My navigator made the wrong turn and climbed up the hill as we left the port. I swear I wasn't ready for that, ended up pushing my bike half way up the hill and vomited at the side of the road.

Once recovered in the darkness I continued along the route and then headed back down into the heart of Dieppe. I was not amused, but from there it got better and watched the sun rise in a middle of a field while having breakfast. To my right was cornfields and to my left hay bales waiting to be gathered.

The sign for a 7% gradient presented itself and I know we were on the outskirts of Rouen. I clocked 46 kph before I decided to presss my breaks and approach this town at a sensible speed. It was so exhilarating but I knew I would have to climb this come Sunday.

Aug 25, 2017 12:00 AM Light Show at Rouen Cathedral

Light Show at Rouen Cathedral Well, we cycled all morning and arrived into Rouen around midday. Bearing in mind we started at 5am it took us a long time, but I only wanted a leisurely cycle whereby enjoying the countryside, taking pictures and enjoying to patisseries along the way.

We checked into a budget motel which have enough space to accommodate the bikes in the room and after a good nap headed back into town.

The light show started around 10pm and it was well worth waiting around. It told the story of the vikings in France and Joan of Arc and the projection on to the front of the cathedral was great. They had at least two displays with most people being their for the first. I stayed a little longer allowing most people to leave and changed my position. I was directly infront of the cathedral and felt the experience was better. I didn't stay for the entire performance, but would recommend that position to anyone who visited. A lovely experience for the family.

Aug 24, 2017 12:00 AM Night time crosssing to France.

Night time crosssing to France. Every time I do this crossing I say I should book early so that I can get a cabin. But then I start doing other things and completely forget about book and by the time I do all cabins are sold out smh.

So my crossing was from Newhaven at 11.30pm to Dieppe arriving around 5am. Usually traveling on the train outside of peak is pleasant with a bike. But today with the closure of Waterloo the train was completely packed and people was so unhappy that I had my bike aboard. I felt really bad, but better couldn't be done, the idea of cycling to the coast seemed a bit of a waste of time.

When we got into the port, departing the train at Newhaven Town, we met a couple who had started their journey at London Bridge this morning and were heading to Paris. I can't say I wasn't a little jealous as I remember they year I did that journey and it was so much fun.

As it happened this year we were only going to Rouen. Just over 65 km of enjoying the French countryside.

Jul 13, 2017 12:00 AM Margate's seaside

Margate's seaside As a child during the summer we always made a day trip to the coast. As a Londoner we had to chose beaches close to the city, no more than a couple of hours drive, like Broadstairs, Ramsgate, Clacton-on-sea, Hastings and Margate etc.
Now as an adult, I always look to go further afield and find the beaches of Europe and the Caribbean of course more acceptable. But once in a while I do a day trip with my church that allows me to go back in time for the great British holiday.
This year it was Margate. I know I went there as a child but really can't remember much about it only the funfair and when I got there I understood why.
I loved some of the old buildings and little shops which aren't available in London and having a more simpler life.
But it really did feel like I was entering a time warp however, surprisingly it was very busy with many coach day trippers doing the same thing.

Jul 10, 2017 12:00 AM Magic Monday

Magic Monday Wimbledon now starts a week later and it seems the weather has been holding out.

Today showers were forecast, but prayed so hard that it wouldn't rain. I'd spent so much on the tickets and the thought of missing play would have been just so annoying. The schedule was amazing and should have been an excellent day for tennis.

As it happened I got through the gates 11.55 with meant we had just enough time to grab some lunch and the sun was shining.

We headed for Henman Hill and had a picnic, to be fair it was just a meal deal but the drink was a kir royal - my fav. We watched Kerber v Muguruza and I thought that Kerber would win, but was only able to watch a set and a bit.

Headed to Court 1 for the beginning of the programme. There isn't a roof on the court this year, I'm told that 2018/2019 it would be available and then play can continue if it rains.

Jun 28, 2017 12:00 AM Back in time to Canterbury

Back in time to Canterbury Canterbury Cathedral is one of the oldest churches in England and the site where Thomas Beckett was murdered by King Henry II's knights. I'm visiting Canterbury for the first time in about 30 years and loving walking around the small streets with the quaint old buildings.

It turned out to be a really short day and only had 3 hours to explore. I also didn't pay to go inside the cathedral (12 pounds) as it was nearly all covered in scaffolding and really overcast, so I was afraid I wouldn't get the shot. I think I need to go back and hopefully the renovation would be completed. Next time.

Jun 20, 2017 12:00 AM London Baron's Court

London Baron's Court Just love the summer in London. And nothing signifies the summer season then the start of the lawn tennis season. Always after the French open, I start to look forward to Wimbledon and the tournaments which lead up to that event.

The only one I am able to attend is Queens in west London. And I had a treat of seeing Tsonga, Dimitrov and Edmund the British number 2.

I was even meant to Donald Young and Nick Kyrgios but went out for some afternoon tea only to learn that Nick retired after a bad fall. I was really looking forward to see how he played in real life. I hope I get another chance.

But my pick for the tournament - Dimitorv....

Jun 19, 2017 12:00 AM Thoughts from the weekend

Thoughts from the weekend I once heard that in Serville all the locals leave during the summer as it gets too hot. Murcia seems like the same thing to me. It was already into the 30s in June, I can't believe what it would be like in July/August.

The main question is would I return. I think my answer would be no, not really. The area we stayed was very new so it was a little inconvenient. But it was only 2 hours and 20 minutes from the UK and the neighborhood was definitely quiet. So it was nice enough.

Jun 18, 2017 12:00 AM Mazarrón - Time for a quite dip

Mazarrón - Time for a quite dip We found the nearest beach to the resort outside the town of Mazarrón; it was a 20 minutes drive and was definitely a local beach. It sits on the Med Bay and all the locals turn out on a weekend with they chairs and umbrellas ready for a day at they lunch. There wasn't any anything available for rental on the beach we ended up on, but that could also be because it was the beginning of the season. Two things which was good. they had a canine friendly beach and the board walk foot shows were perfect.

But after just coming back from the Caribbean, I wasn't tempted to swim.

Jun 17, 2017 12:00 AM Murcia - Lets go shopping

Murcia - Lets go shopping Well I just wanted to relax to day, but it would have been a bit of a waste of a day. But as we have an incredibly long day yesterday this would be much easier.

So we didn't leave the complex until after 12pm heading into Murcia by way of a factory outlet. It took us around 30 minutes to drive there and then spent a couple of hours wandering around and got some nice pieces. I was kind of happy it wasn't filled with international brands which meant we could enjoy something different.

A further 10 minutes we entered the town. As it was so late in the afternoon, we found some parking quite easily. However it was so hot, I really didn't fancy being out there. Basically we only visited the Cathedral, but it was stunning. We then headed back for dinner.

On the menu was pork ribs (cooked low and slow) and sweet potato fries with salad. We picked this up on our way back from Granada, found a huge Carrefour supermarket where we picked up all our supplies.

To be fair that day turned out really well if not too hot.

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