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sarah-kate's Travel log

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*a world of wonder awaits

Log entries 1 - 5 of 5 

Apr 12, 2006 02:00 PM ~ ~~

where to and when?

alas, in my 3rd year at university i find myself stuck between no money (well, lots of debt), no time (until summer...) and a listless head full of inclination to go a-wandering... indonesia is calling me, well a friend who;s heading there in a few months, sigh - if only.. if only i could go without parents knowing! perfect :P jungle - like willard price's adventure stories, lianas and dappled light waiting to be parted and sink beneath the veil of heat and adventure...

less time dreaming and i might get there faster?

oh well - tomorrow is easter and thus a 'big journey north' to christchurch awaits :) chocolate always tastes better hollow!

Jan 29, 2006 07:00 PM bangladesh - wandering the subcontinent

dhaka - a difficult place to breath. mornings to awake with the prayercall i find myself awake, washed and wandering deserted roads uncrossable by light. its beautiful and at once unfamiliar. arabic, white skin, or my gender make refusals from hotels - i wonder, am i so unclean? it interesting to be a woman here as men, it seems, are everywhere - enjoying public life, serving, driving... 'ladies cabin' delcares a curtained-off area in a restaurant where perhaps i belong?... paratha and creamy chicken curry for breakfast... fascinated. i wash clothes in a bucket and adorn the spartan room with dripping garments, and, perhaps stupidly holding up my bra to the ceiling fan i find three large gashes and blood falling boldly to the tiles. my right middle finger forever slightly auled for the sake of a clean bra - ha, i was lucky to be able to fix it on after that :p

Jan 11, 2006 07:00 PM macau ~ little china land

yup - its worth this visit for the salted almond cookies alone! (the scent of which is unavoidable, hot toasted off the street...) - especially if you're in Hong Kong or anywhere in China's vast south. take a quick modern ferry and change currency for a stop on this archipelago (i think..). i spent a few days reveling in the mosaic portuguesness still lingering in churches and the little outposts of Taiga and Coulone - which can be reached by bus. Sunny day, bus and swimming amidst butterflies and nothingness. Alone in 'China' - this is possible. I discover the world is bigger than expected, grand. from macau its a walk across the border to enter the dragon, you're in 'true' china's zhuhai.

Dec 24, 2005 07:00 PM lhatse ~ cold cold christmas and hong putaojiu

in new zealand christmas joins our summer - or grey hopeful time of potential warmth... tibetan christmas are quite quite different. buddhists have little idea of the foreign concept and at the 'lhatse farmers hotel'
entering from the road theres rounded cobbles to pass through a large gated archway and into the stone courtyard. families live in the downstairs rooms and everyone can be found congregating by the smokey stove by nightfall. upon this lifegiving invention water is boiled and thukpa cooked for a hearty meal. smilingly we were dished up bowls of molten meal, slimy gnocci-like things suspended amid a floury paste with the sparse presence of dried buffalo and something green. sick and cold i was dragged to the communal area for some 'great wall' brand red wine and 1Yuan chocolate. cheers and merry christmas. sharing the drink among the tibetans yeilded curiosity and some pertaining to enjoy it alongside petrol gallons of 'chang', a tibetan homebrew barley beer. haha, who needs santa (my only glimpse of him that year was a scary looking plastic toy, a gift from the chinese bank) a stove for my fingers and wine for the heart, merry christmas~

Sep 25, 2005 02:00 PM New Zealand

For such a small country and my 'primary habitat' - i have much to see yet... but the south island's most stunning place is 'fiordland's' Milford Sound. Home to one upmarket hotel and a *NZD$18 per night backpackers* its so great. An amazing drive into this no-exit wilderness begins the experiance and just revel in the beauty of the most pristine water, the sounds, majestic glacially-carved fiords, native new zealand bush and waterfalls cascading 800m. (unfortunately i don't yet have a digital photo to share pix)

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