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Exeter travel guide - Travel advice by real travelers on Exeter, United Kingdom!

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Travel guide to Exeter
Teignmouth, the beach, viewed from the pier.
Teignmouth, the beach, viewed from the pier.
Exeter, the County Town of Devon, is a gem often disregarded by tourists speeding [or often stuck in a traffic jam and longing to speed
past it.
It's the most westerly of England's Roman cities but the principal appeal must lie in its majestic Cathedral. Commenced in Norman times, its towers still show the architecture of the period, but mainly it is an outstanding showcase of the decorated style. Its massive Gothic vault defies words to describe it. The Cathedral Close, whilst not offering the 'cathedral and river' views enjoyed by Durham and Worcester cathedrals, displays one of the best ensembles of historic buildings in England.
The old quay, even though the maritime museum no longer exists [a real tragedy - it was a knock-out!] contains a 15th century Customs House and other interesting buildings.
The underground passages with medieval aqueducts supplying fresh water to the city are unique in England. [edit text]  [editors]

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United Kingdo. - Exeter mistybleu


United Kingdo. - Exeter mistybleu


United Kingdo. - Exeter mistybleu
Exeter Thistle

Exeter Thistle

United Kingdo. - Exeter mistybleu
Picture House

Picture House

United Kingdo. - Exeter mistybleu

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