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Wakefield travel guide - Travel advice by real travelers on Wakefield, United Kingdom!

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Travel guide to Wakefield
Wakefield Cathederal.
Wakefield Cathederal.
In all Honesty.... Wakefield sucks..... there is no way I could say to anyone with a clear conciouse...Come to Wakefield ,its great!!!! Do yourself a favour and if your in the north of England get to the bigger cities like Leeds and Sheffield they at least have some cultural significance. My Girlfriend is Australian, it took me 30 mins to show her Wakefield and most of that was walking between the Cathederal and the half assed attempt at a museum,which is free...cos theres no way they could charge you for entry to that place. If you have rellies here its a great place to use as a base to get out and see other areas as its pretty central, but seriously...DO NOT go out of your way to make a special visit to see it!!!! There are 5 other members of Globo from Wakefield, you will get the same response from them too. I am very Proud to be a Yorkshireman....slightly less proud to live near Wakefield. [edit text]  [editors]

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