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Travel guide to North Rim
Grand Canyon Ledge
Grand Canyon Ledge
Most people who visit the Grand Canyon National Park do so via the South Rim, looking across into the North Rim. But being on the North Rim allows you to immerse yourself in nature and walk the trails to the Canyon floor.

The best time to visit is at sunrise, when the colours can change dramatically and the shadows cast intriguing patterns. The best way to see it is on board a light aircraft (which costs around $150); this way gives you a chance to weave your way along the Colorado River – truly a breath-taking experience.

But to be honest, whatever way you see the Grand Canyon, seeing it via the North or South Rim, you will be mesmerised by this wonderful site. [edit text]  [editors]

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The other side of the Grand Canyon 
North Rim,  United States 
anna_moon  rating  2004-01-21

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