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Savannah travel guide - Travel advice by real travelers on Savannah, United States!

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Travel guide to Savannah
Stained Glass Window
Stained Glass Window
One of the truly remarkable Southern cities in the United States is Savannah, Georgia. This was the first capital of Georgia, and the site of an early settlement. James Oglethorpe led settlers to this area in the early 1600's. The city was the eventual goal of General Sherman during "the march to the sea" of the American civil war.

Now, Savannah host the country's second largest parade on St. Patrick's Day and is the location for a booming tourist industry. Among other locations, this was the setting for the novel "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil." Locations in the city were mentioned in the movie, Forrest Gump. Seafood is one of the staples of food for the community. I heartily recommend a visit to this wonderful city. [edit text]  [editors]

Savannah's travel tips, pictures, advice

Hostels    Reports (4)    Travel tips (13)    Pictures (22)    Members (7)

Travel reports on Savannah

Author Rating Date
Savannah, Georgia 
Savannah,  United States 
ehs1193  rating  2006-02-19
A Hostess City Experience 
Savannah,  United States 
bear495  rating  2003-06-16
A spooky southern city 
Savannah,  United States 
anna_moon  rating  2004-01-21
Great Time and Pub Tour/ Crawl in Savannah 
Savannah,  United States 
brett123  rating  2005-10-14

Travel tips on Savannah

picture place / location rating / by member
Hyatt Regency Savannah

Hyatt Regency Savannah

United States - Savannah ehs1193
Johnny Harris

Johnny Harris

United States - Savannah snoflake
The Lady and Sons

The Lady and Sons

United States - Savannah snoflake
The Marshall House Hotel

The Marshall House Hotel

United States - Savannah snoflake
Marshall House

Marshall House

United States - Georgia - Savannah borhyas78

more travel tips on Savannah (13)

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