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Posted: 2007-11-29 15:34:00  
The title starts like the beginning of an infinite sequence - but how good it is to receive email notification of feedback on our pictures.
No longer need I plough through my pictures for several days to find out that they have [in most cases] no comment.
Thanks for this improvement, Andy --- Grieve not for that which you cannot do but rejoice in that which you can.
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Posted: 2007-11-29 21:34:00  
Hello David,
I am not sure if I understand you right? There is a way to stop the messages if you want. Go to "edit profile" and uncheck the box inside the notifications settings "comments on pictures".
Hope that helps,
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Posted: 2007-11-30 01:01:00  
David, I have learned not to plow though my, or any ones pictures, every day, I have always easily viewed those comments where the member has bothered to mention the photographers name in the the first line of their comment. This is then clearly visible in the "content changes" and also in the "24-hour review". RR --- Rudolf "Rangutan" Graspointner
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Posted: 2007-11-30 11:41:00  
Andy - sorry if my message was obscure. It was simply meant to thank you for what I consider a very good improvement.
Rudi - Yes, agreed it is clear when the name is mentioned and you are very god at this - but not everybody does it and sometimes I have missed a comment for ages that does seek an answer. I don't think this will be a problem any more, thanks to the messages about messages.
D --- Grieve not for that which you cannot do but rejoice in that which you can.
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Posted: 2007-11-30 13:42:00  
Hello David,
now I get it :-) Thank you for the compliment. My english is getting poor, I should get some classes!
Best regards,
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Posted: 2007-11-30 16:11:00  
The amount of time you have been spending on improvements in Globo would stop you having English classes, even if you needed them!
Seriously, I have NEVER had difficulty in understanding
what you say and your English is way better than my Spanish, which is the only language other than English I can claim to speak a bit. --- Grieve not for that which you cannot do but rejoice in that which you can.
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Posted: 2007-12-01 07:46:00  
I have to agree with David so thanks to Andy. I think this is a great improvement as so often you want to know more about a particular photo but the question was missed. Now it is easy for the owner of the photos to respond to comments and questions as required.
Andy I don't think you need classes just yet - if only I could keep my Spanish up to speed like your English. Unfortunately one of minuses of living in an english (well a version of it anyway) speaking country;-) --- Where to next?
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Posted: 2007-12-03 07:06:00  
I think it's a great new feature.
I don't get the time to log in every day and have sometimes wondered whether I have missed any comments on my pictures.
Thanks, Andy.
Sabine --- Sabine
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