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Body Art Expo-4 Tattoo Booths, no waiting...'s by eirekay

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information about united-states  San FranciscoUnited States, California
The San Francisco Body Art Expo is to be experienced. Body Piercing, Tattoo Artists and "unique" clothing are the rule, rather than the exception. Here are 4 booths amongst 89, mostly performing Tattoo services.
Uploaded: Mar, 31 2008 | Taken: Mar, 30 2008| Viewed: 31 times  | 2 votes
Camera:  Canon PowerShot SD630 | Exposure 1/60s, f3.0 | FLength: 5mm

zrusseff - Mar, 31 2008 04:03pm
Eire, was this at Fort Mason? I bet that place was hopping.

eirekay - Mar, 31 2008 07:03pm
Zellah, this was held at the Cow Palace and yes, it was hopping!

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