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Photo album by krisek: Budva - Montenegro's Historical Resort & Party Place

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Budva - Montenegro's Historical Resort & Party Place

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Budva was not particularly famous for its monuments or sights. It was more associated with its status of summer beach destination. However, the old town was so charming, despite the downpour. Budva welcomed me with so much rain that it could be mistaken for the tropics. It bucketted continuously for hours. On such a day, walking about the city trying to discover its qualities was a challenge. However, the old town, complete with a castle and a couple of really nice churches, and, predictably, a maze of narrow stone alleys, had so much charm that weather affected it only slightly. Sitting in a cafe under a large umbrella listening to thunders growling and the raindrops banging on the canopy, the pavement and windows was really atmospheric! The old town, surrounded by thick stone walls was definitely my favourite place in Budva. The old part was really small, and could be explored in an hour or so, depending how many stops one made in shops, cafes, the citadel and the small church. It was also possible to climb part of the the walls, but due to rain, I had to tun back as I did not have appropriate rubber footwear to take me through ankle high waters that accumulated on several sections of the ramparts.

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