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Photo album by krisek: Dover and England's White Cliffs

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Dover and England's White Cliffs

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White Cliffs of Dover are one of England's finest 'welcome sights', particularly for the visitors coming by sea from France. If weather is slightly foggy, then the cliffs look like a mirage as the vessel approaches the shores. It is hard to describe their quality, but they are most definitely amongst England's greatest landscapes. The high speed train now takes one hour to reach Dover from London, which is 45 minutes shorter than the conventional service. My original plan was to walk from Dover to Deal and then take a local bus back to Dover. But I overslept and did not have as much time as I thought I would. Also, it was so windy, that I managed to reach St Margaret's Bay and decided to walk back. On the way back, I had wind behind me (pushing me) and sun shining right into my face. That was better. The views were superb. Probably better than I thought they would be. As I arrived in Dover, there were signs advertising boat trips to see the cliffs from the Channel. This was very tempting! Yet, I managed to resist it and try to find my way to the cliffs and see them on foot. Most of the time, one walks on top of them, so the views are not as spectacular as from the sea, but on four occasions, there are some incredible views of the cliffs' bends. And being on top of them, and so close, had a massive advantage to the views one might have from a boat below.

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