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Tallinn - A travel report by Willem
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Tallinn,  Estonia - flag Estonia -  Harjumaa
2929 readers

willemdom's travel reports

Once went to Tallinn.

  6 votes
I once went to Tallinn, Estonia on a daytrip. The journey begun with a ferry ride from a neighbouring country which was also nice to visit. All in all, everything went just fine and the whole group of us were satisfied.

A visit to Tallinn was rather nice and sunny one day trip including roaming around the city. The trip was already about a decade ago so the memories are somewhat limited but let's not that one bother us. Old Tallinn was visited all over the place as well as some markets and some of the newer area.

Favourite spots:
Old city. For me, the only favorite place is old city and here are the rest of the demanded characters demanded for update.

What's really great:
Big meal and middle age atmosphere in the restaurant which's name escapes my head. Old city is worth exploring all around. The new city offers some sights of what the Soviets did in their time.

Old city.

Other recommendations:
Old soviet buildings, some museums.

Published on Sunday March 7th, 2010

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