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Desert Brush and Windmills below Snow Capped Mount's by eirekay

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information about united-states  Palm SpringsUnited States, California
Palm Springs is a paradox in the winter. The temperature on the Valley floor will be 27c while the surrounding mountains are dressed in snow. Hikes thorough the desert this time of year require dressing in layers but are well worth the effort. Golf is available year around - there were group golfing on Christmas Day!

Windmills line the Valley which can experience heavy winds year around. The power is transmitted to the Los Angeles basin.
Uploaded: Jan, 06 2009 | Taken: Dec, 28 2008| Viewed: 36 times  | 3 votes
Camera:  Canon PowerShot SD630 | Exposure 1/1000s, f4.6 | FLength: 17mm

bineba - Jan, 07 2009 05:01am
Great desert colours and the stones in the foreground give the photo depth.

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