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Snow in Palm Springs-a ride up the Tram!'s by eirekay

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information about united-states  Palm SpringsUnited States, California
In December and January snow adorns the mountain tops surrounding Palm Springs. It is surreal to see Palm Trees and Snow Capped Mountains in the same view.

The Aerial Tram is one of only three in the world this size. The floor rotates as you quickly rise over 5,800 ft in a steep vertical ascent. The car swings and rocks as you pass the four towers, providing a giddy feeling as you view the magnificent rocks.
Uploaded: Jan, 06 2009 | Taken: Dec, 27 2008| Viewed: 35 times  | 5 votes
Camera:  Canon PowerShot SD630 | Exposure 1/400s, f3.0 | FLength: 5mm

jacko1 - Mar, 21 2009 05:03pm
A very good shot, showing the ruggedness of this terrain!!.

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