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Achim's Guest Book

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Entries 1 - 6 of 6 


Joined: Jan 09
Points: 958

hi achim

Posted: 2010-04-11 01:02 AM   
nice photo of school students in white


Joined: Apr 04
Points: 176

spirit here

Posted: 2004-04-29 10:22 AM   
great photos! i like the old woman best, of course.

thanks for sharing,


Joined: Feb 04
Points: 53


Posted: 2004-02-06 02:27 PM   
What awesome pictures! You have an artistic eye.


Joined: Oct 03
Points: 8654

your site!

Posted: 2003-12-16 09:14 PM   
I spent this whole afternoon looking at your site -- wow! Are you doing all of it yourself? I used Babelfish: to translate, which isn't perfect, but did a fair job. You covered A LOT of ground in 8 days! I am interested in writing about the parts of San Franciso that are very interesting but that most visitors never see. When I have finished it, I will let you know!

Happy holidays,



Joined: Oct 03
Points: 8654

Beautiful Photos

Posted: 2003-11-13 11:08 PM   
Really liked your photos, thanks for sharing! Went to your web site, but couldn't figure out exactly what was going on, since I'm pretty limited in the foreign language department -- but I saw it had something to do with San Francisco, which intrigues me.




Joined: Sep 03
Points: 3

brooklin south

Posted: 2003-09-23 05:23 PM   
it's cool that we in bitness

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