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Amador Garcia-Prades's Guest Book

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Hola amics!

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Joined: Aug 04
Points: 53340


Posted: 2008-10-22 01:10 AM   

Interesting profile picture; can I ask where was it taken?



Joined: Mar 04
Points: 1618

Hi Amador,

Posted: 2007-12-13 04:34 PM   
Nature really is fantastic - thank you for your comment.


Joined: Dec 02
Points: 2664

Thank you for your nice words on my report

Posted: 2007-10-26 05:25 PM   
Hi Amador,

thank you that you enjoyed my report an thank for the rating. Yes, I also found the special comercial very funny but my girl friend had another opinion about that.. I don't know why... ;-)

Saludos, Joaquin


Joined: Jan 05
Points: 6577

hello Amador

Posted: 2007-10-26 08:23 AM   
Thank you for your comments about me, I remember your previous comments to my pics, always kind and constructive. Take care and keep in touch..



Joined: Dec 04
Points: 34719

Chester report

Posted: 2007-10-26 04:07 AM   
Hi Amador
Many thanks for your glowing comment.
To be honest I have been a bit surprised, though of course pleased, by its high rating. I didn't really feel I knew enough about Chester but there is no other report on it here and it's a very pleasing city, even though I think some people enthuse too much about it.
Best wishes


Joined: Aug 04
Points: 53340

Thank you

Posted: 2007-10-09 11:42 AM   

Thank you very much for reading my report on Barcelona, I take it as a compliment coming from a local.

All the best



Joined: Oct 02
Points: 75132

I do not publish for the score...

Posted: 2007-10-09 10:05 AM   
Dear Amador
Thanks for your congratulations... Just let you know that I do not compete with anybody, I do not publish for points, I also do not travel for the score. In my opinion travelling is not like a sport to fight for the better position... It is not important for me if I am no 1 or no 8...


Joined: Aug 02
Points: 11491

Hola amic!!

Posted: 2007-03-01 04:30 PM   
Merci pels teus misatges!
Em sap greu estar tant desconectat del mon pero es que vaig de bolit amb la feina i altres plans i projectes.
Ara sembla anar tot molt millor.
A mi la veritat es que m'encantaria poder anar un dia a l'himalaia i anar com a minim fins al camp base de l'everest.
Be amic, res mes, nomes donar-te grans records i una abraçada.
Gracies per estar en contacte!



Joined: Feb 07
Points: 1072

Maam Amador

Posted: 2007-02-16 07:35 PM   
I saw your name on a report I was rating and came to see who you are and if you had pictures or wrote a report but I see you haven't done either.



Joined: Sep 04
Points: 11274

Thank you for generous

Posted: 2006-12-24 03:23 PM   
Dear Amador
thank you for your very generous comment on my picture .
We were very happy on our visit to Barcelona as ion page eight of my photos
kind regards

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