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Beach of Ustka in January's by basia

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information about poland  UstkaPoland
Already several years in Ustka not been so much snow and cold winter. Where is this global warming? :)
Uploaded: Jan, 28 2010 | Taken: Jan, 27 2010| Viewed: 22 times  | 2 votes
Camera: FUJIFILM | Model: FinePixS2Pro | Exposure 10/3500s, f7.0, ISO 200 | FLength: 18mm | SW: Adobe Photoshop CS Macintosh

jacko1 - Jan, 28 2010 10:01pm
Basia, it is only in the minds of those who wish to make money from the lie and the idiots who believe them!

basia - Jan, 28 2010 10:01pm
Tony, you are absolutely right! Thank you for the evaluation of my picture.

krisek - Feb, 11 2010 11:02am
Tony, Basia - but I do believe in global warming - it had happened before! It can also trigger cooling trend if fresh water dumped into the oceans from the melting polar ice caps disturbes the flow of the North Atlantic Current, which gives the northern hemisphere temperate climate. Without it today's Exeter winter would be as warm as today's summer in El Calafate, Sth Patagonia. For Exeter (50°43′18.48″N) is closer to the North Pole than El Calafate (50°20′S) is to the South Pole. And they have mighty glaciers in El Calafate. All year round... :) How about that?

basia - Feb, 11 2010 11:02am
I like the warm climate, the cold throughout the year, ...brrrrr ... no! , although the white snow .... the week .... why not?

jacko1 - Feb, 11 2010 12:02pm
Krys, I agree with you on the point but not the way it is preached by fanatics, in geological terms global warming and cooling takes place as does climate change but this over millenia, when Krakatoa erupted it put more sulpher and CO2 into the atmosphere than all the efforts of man since our inception as humans.

krisek - Feb, 11 2010 06:02pm
Tony, true true. The volcanoes (and apparently the cows, hehe) contribute the most of the greenhouse gases...

jacko1 - Feb, 11 2010 08:02pm
Don't worry Krys, the politicians will find a 'cow' tax soon to appease the 'global warming' lobby.

jacko1 - Feb, 11 2010 08:02pm
Even better still Basia a 'volcano' tax:-).

basia - Feb, 12 2010 09:02am
Tony, these volcanoes on my pictured are harmless, it is just snow :-)

jacko1 - Feb, 12 2010 10:02am
And very pretty it is too!

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