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Coast in Tossa de Mar's by basia

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information about spain  Tossa de MarSpain
View of the coast in Tossa de Mar
Uploaded: Jul, 22 2009 | Taken: Sep, 28 2008| Viewed: 53 times  | 10 votes
Camera: NIKON | Model: E3100 | Exposure 10/2302s, ISO 100 | FLength: 6mm | SW: ACD Systems Digital Imaging

jacko1 - Jul, 22 2009 05:07pm
A super, scenic pic Basia.

horourke - Jul, 23 2009 05:07am
I think you got the very best out of the Nikon here. The colour balance, razor sharpness and a good angle giving the cliffs life are all exciting.

basia - Jul, 23 2009 05:07am
Thank you Hugh and Tony. Hugh this Nikon is small, fits in your pocket, but I hope to get money to Nokon D90 ;)

jacko1 - Jul, 23 2009 06:07am
In my experience Basia, a good picture is not always taken by the most expensive camera, most of the very good pics are first taken by the eye and mind behind the camera, you can enhance lots of things but the angle and composition and subject will remain the same regardless of the cost and the system.

basia - Jul, 23 2009 09:07am
I agree, the eye is most important, but the sharpness of the image, it has the camera.

jacko1 - Jul, 23 2009 05:07pm
Basia, even with a fairly simple system like Picasa 3 it is possible to sharpen images, alter colour saturation, change contrast etc but my point was that even the world's most expenive and sophisticated camera cannot decide where it is pointed at and what will be in the picture, only you can decide that and may I say that you have some excellent pictures in your gallery, my advice, for whatever it's worth is to treat every scene as a painting that you would like to keep, not just as a snapshot.

jacko1 - Jul, 23 2009 05:07pm
Basia, even with a fairly simple system like Picasa 3 it is possible to sharpen images, alter colour saturation, change contrast etc but my point was that even the world's most expenive and sophisticated camera cannot decide where it is pointed at and what will be in the picture, only you can decide that and may I say that you have some excellent pictures in your gallery, my advice, for whatever it's worth is to treat every scene as a painting that you would like to keep, not just as a snapshot.

jacko1 - Jul, 23 2009 05:07pm
Basia, even with a fairly simple system like Picasa 3 it is possible to sharpen images, alter colour saturation, change contrast etc but my point was that even the world's most expenive and sophisticated camera cannot decide where it is pointed at and what will be in the picture, only you can decide that and may I say that you have some excellent pictures in your gallery, my advice, for whatever it's worth is to treat every scene as a painting that you would like to keep, not just as a snapshot.

jacko1 - Jul, 23 2009 05:07pm
Basia, even with a fairly simple system like Picasa 3 it is possible to sharpen images, alter colour saturation, change contrast etc but my point was that even the world's most expenive and sophisticated camera cannot decide where it is pointed at and what will be in the picture, only you can decide that and may I say that you have some excellent pictures in your gallery, my advice, for whatever it's worth is to treat every scene as a painting that you would like to keep, not just as a snapshot.

jacko1 - Jul, 23 2009 05:07pm
Sorry about that Basia, that was my computer decided to make the same comment several times, feel free to delete the extra ones if that is possible.

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