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"New" organs in the cathedral's by basia

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information about poland  FromborkPoland
Old organs were exported by the Swedes during the Polish-Swedish war. Chapter Warmińska 29 February 1683 entered into an agreement with organomistrzem Daniel Nitrowski from Gdansk, on the implementation of the new organs. The contract was completed in 1684, and in 1685 they have been decorated by George Piper, from Lidzbark.
Uploaded: Jul, 04 2009 | Taken: Jun, 18 2009| Viewed: 23 times  | 2 votes
Camera: FUJIFILM | Model: FinePixS2Pro | Exposure 10/40s, f3.7, ISO 400 | FLength: 18mm | SW: ACD Systems Digital Imaging

jacko1 - Jul, 04 2009 06:07am
A great combination of craftsmanship and decorative artwork.

basia - Jul, 04 2009 07:07am
Thanks Tony. Organist sits at the bottom (left side - on the desktop), not on top. The instrument is able to mimic the voices of animals and humans, and of course, the various instruments. Some elements of decoration run.

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