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Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Quebec's by basia

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information about canada  QuebecCanada, Quebec
The Archdiocese of Québec is the oldest Catholic see in the New World north of Mexico. It was founded as the Apostolic Vicariate of New France in 1658 and was elevated to a Diocese in 1674 and an Archdiocese in 1819. It lost large pieces of its territory with the formation of the Dioceses of Halifax and Kingston in 1817, the Diocese of Charlottetown in 1829, the Diocese of Winnipeg in 1844 and the Diocese of Montreal in 1852. The Archbishop of Quebec has the ceremonial title of Primate of Canada.
Uploaded: Feb, 06 2009 | Taken: Aug, 05 2006| Viewed: 31 times  | 3 votes
Camera: NIKON | Model: E3100 | Exposure 10/4436s, ISO 100 | FLength: 5mm | SW: ACD Systems Digital Imaging

porto - Feb, 06 2009 01:02pm
Basia,very similar facade to a church here in Glasgow.

basia - Feb, 06 2009 01:02pm
Fred, I was not in Glasgow, but it may once have I had the opportunity to check personally.

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