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Happy St. George's Day's by bineba

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information about united-kingdom  LondonUnited Kingdom
Today is St. George's Day in many countries and he is also the patron saint of England. It's not widely celebrated here, although they are making a bit of an effort in London this year with a free festival on Trafalgar Square.
Walking through St. James' Park, I spotted thisd tulip and the colours reminded me of the English flag (white with a red cross - it is incorporated in the UK flag (the Union Jack) along with elements of the flags of the 2 other kingdoms (Scotland & Ireland, or since 1921 just Northern Ireland) that make up the United Kingdom. Wales didn't get in, as it just a principality). Anyway, enough of the history lesson. Enjoy the day!
P.S.: It's William Shakespeare's birthday today as well!
Uploaded: Apr, 23 2009 | Taken: Apr, 21 2009| Viewed: 25 times  | 1 vote
Camera: FUJIFILM | Model: FinePix F10 | Exposure 10/8000s, f4.6, ISO 200 | FLength: 8mm | SW: Adobe Photoshop 7.0

pesu - Apr, 23 2009 07:04am
Thanks, Sabine, for the beautiful flowers and the very instructive lesson! :)

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