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Monestir de Lluc's by bineba

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information about spain  IncaSpain
The most important destination for pilgrims in Mallorca, Moastir de Lluc, home of the black Madonna (la Moreneta). According to legend a shepherd found the picture in the woods and took it to his local priest. It disappeared from the church three times and was always found in the woods at the same spot which was taken a sign to build the monastery. Today the building is a boarding school for boys, specializing in music and singing. The choir, les Blavets, is famous. There is also a museum an several cafes and shops.
Uploaded: Dec, 28 2008 | Taken: Oct, 14 2008| Viewed: 62 times  | 1 vote
Camera: FUJIFILM | Model: FinePix S9500 | Exposure 10/3500s, f3.9, ISO 100 | FLength: 29mm | SW: Adobe Photoshop 7.0

louis - Oct, 11 2011 05:10am
Very impressive building with the great location.

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