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Joined: Jul 08
Points: 15863

Hello Boon,

Posted: 2009-05-28 01:09 PM   
it is nice that you have joined Globo. I like your first pics very much, they are beautiful! :) Looking forward to your coming contribution -
best regards - Petra


Joined: Aug 03
Points: 19539

Taj Mahal

Posted: 2009-05-26 09:23 PM   
We were there at Sunrise as well, but luckily, it had rained the night before and cleared most of the smog out of the air. As Amanda said, we were there late August or early September, at the end of Monsoon season. We only got hit by rain twice but the heat was quite something!

Your picture is lovely, no people in it and the smog/fog gives it a nice feel!



Joined: Aug 04
Points: 53340

Taj 2

Posted: 2009-05-26 01:53 PM   

Yes I had the same kind of day as you. I also went in November so maybe it was just the time of year.

Eire went in August and she got some wonderful shots of the Taj; check it out:

Have a nice day



Joined: Aug 04
Points: 53340


Posted: 2009-05-24 02:21 PM   
Hey Boon,

Welcome to Globo.

I've just noticed your pictures on India; a lovely shot of the Taj Mahal. It looks like you went to sunrise, did you stay until the sun was brighter?


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