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cafaitmal's Guest Book

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Joined: Dec 04
Points: 34719


Posted: 2006-02-07 08:49 AM   
I hoped to chat to welcome you better but you're the second one today I'e failed to get! Welcome anyway to this very friendly site.
I deduce from the order of languages that you give that you are French. French Frog is another one living in England. We were on the same trip to Peru this year.
If you click on Folkestone on your 'about me' page, you'll see there is no destination report. They are about the easiest way to start on the site as the max is 1,000 characters and there's no minimum. On the other hand, if you are anything like Isabelle, [French Frog,] you won't need an easy way in!
If you prefer to keep a low profile, that's up to you but you will find sme guidance for new members on the faq forum.
Enjoy the site anyway,

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