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hi, i have not entered my travels yet, but would love to hear comments about South Africa. Future plans are to visit Hong Kong, Romania and perhaps South America

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Joined: Sep 04
Points: 349

hola and response

Posted: 2004-09-26 05:07 PM   
I'd love too, but you wouldn't believe the airfare from Orlando to SA :-) after I go to Europe this year perhaps? Take care!


Joined: Apr 04
Points: 5264


Posted: 2004-09-26 04:39 PM   
Gaat goed bij jou? Hey cheryl welcome to Globo darl Im Matt Im often in here after a climbing accident left me with a few broken bits . I was in S.A. for 4 months and loved it so much Im already planning my next trip there.
Loved the photo of the baby

Come to the chat room here sometime ..would love to find out more!!!


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