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Evelyn's Guest Book

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Joined: Mar 05
Points: 2121

hi, there...........

Posted: 2006-02-21 11:47 PM   
Glad to see u here. Pls enjoy urself in Globo.

Looking forward ur travel pictures & Best Regards!



Joined: Oct 03
Points: 8654

In reply to your email to me about Assisi

Posted: 2004-10-12 07:37 PM   
Hello Evelyn!

Thanks very much for your email, I'm glad you enjoyed my report on Assisi. I tried writing you back, but the email bounced, so I am going to respond here instead -- I hope you get it!

I can't remember exactly how much it cost me to transfer the photos, but it wasn't cheap! The cost to transfer photos was different all over Europe and the UK, and hard to predict. All in all, the least I paid was about 3 euros, the most was over 20 euros. Assisi was one of the most expensive,

]The little ceramic friars seemed to be everywhere (there's a "main drag" between the San Francesco Basilica and the Piazza del Comune where there are many souvenir shops geared toward the pilgrim crowd). I believe if you look closely at my photo of the friars, you can see a little price tag on one of them, that says 13.50, which is the price in euros.

I am limited as to how much I can write here... write me back and I will tell you more!



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