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Joined: Dec 04
Points: 34719


Posted: 2006-08-13 12:42 PM   
Welcome to Globo. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

If you click on Ghent on your 'about me' page, you will find we have no reports on Ghent. However, if you put your own spelling, Gent, in the searchbox at the right end of the yellow bar, you will find two, both done by English people. It is always useful to have something written by a resident as well so don't feel discouraged, although it can be perticularly difficult to write about your home town.

I also wrote the travel guide - the thing you see first when you click on Gent. Please don't hesitate to amend it as much as you wish.

It's a lovely town where you live anyway. Do contact me if you need any help on this site.


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