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Dzevad's Guest Book

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Joined: May 03
Points: 8634


Posted: 2005-06-05 10:44 AM   
I want to be one of the first to welcome you to Globosapiens. We have a wonderful group of fellow travellers from throughout the world. Please feel free to use any of us as resources for your travel questions. We look forward to seeing your sharing of travel experiences and photos. Again, welcome.



Joined: May 04
Points: 6895

Welcome to Globo !

Posted: 2005-06-05 12:06 AM   
Hi Dzevad,
Welcome to Globo and Greetings from South India. I wish you lots of fun here and look forward to sharing and seeing pictures, reports etc with you. take care and God Bless !
Kris Kandath
ps - delighted to be the first one to sign your guestbook

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