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Fernanda's Guest Book

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Joined: Aug 05
Points: 300


Posted: 2008-08-16 12:38 PM   
Hello! My name is Panayiotis and I am from Cyprus. I' m traveling to Barcelona on the 24th of August and I will stay there until the 30th. So I'm trying to get information about the city from people who have really been there. Do you have any interesting information about the most important things I can do there? Thank you


Joined: Jun 05
Points: 1525


Posted: 2005-06-23 07:44 AM   
Hi its dipak from Nepal. Enjoy at Globo all the best.



Joined: Jul 04
Points: 673

Welcome, Fernanda

Posted: 2004-11-04 01:08 AM   
Welcome Fernanda,

I know you will enjoy this site.

How are things in Spain?


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