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Black Necked Crane 01's by frenchfrog

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information about china  HorChina, Tibet
A black necked crane measures about 115cm and weights between 5 and 6 Kg. The upper part of the neck and the head are black, except for a small white patch to the rear of the eye. They also have a red bald patch between the bill and the eye. The rest of the body is grey, but the legs, lower parts of the wings and the tail are black. They feed on plant roots, insects, snails, shrimp, fish, frogs, lizards, voles, and waste grains. When they land in a village they are treated with reverence. Villagers do not mind having them around.
Uploaded: Dec, 14 2008 | Taken: Sep, 21 2008| Viewed: 26 times  | 1 vote
Camera: NIKON CORPORATION | Model: NIKON D40X | Exposure 10/16000s, ISO 200 | FLength: 250mm | SW: Picasa 3.0

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