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Erodium Petraeum's by frenchfrog

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information about spain  NerinSpain
Really a lovely flower!
Uploaded: Nov, 16 2007 | Taken: Sep, 17 2007| Viewed: 28 times  | 6 votes
Camera: NIKON | Model: COOLPIX S4 | Exposure 10/1500s, ISO 50 | FLength: 9mm | SW: Picasa 3.0

zrusseff - Nov, 16 2007 02:11pm
Isabelle, I take it that it is a wildflower? Is it indigenous to the Iberian peninsula? or all of Europe? Do you know the common name?

I have an interest in Botany - I figure I might as well learn something if I am going to look at it. Thanks!

horourke - Nov, 16 2007 02:11pm
Further information on related taxa at

To me it appears like a bow tied ribon bimding Isabelle's wonderful Spanish pictures

frenchfrog - Nov, 16 2007 02:11pm
Yes, it very small, only about 2cm in diameter. But very lovely!, more info for you.
Sorry I made a spelling error at first but it is corrected!

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