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Flora of Saint-Pierre's by frenchfrog

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information about st-pierre-and-miquelon  Saint-PierreSt. Pierre and Miquelon, Saint Pierre and Miquelon
Flower found on the island, but I don't know the name for sure.
Uploaded: Feb, 09 2009 | Taken: Sep, 13 2008| Viewed: 26 times  | 4 votes
Camera: NIKON CORPORATION | Model: NIKON D40X | Exposure 10/1600s, ISO 200 | FLength: 65mm | SW: Picasa 3.0

pesu - Feb, 09 2009 11:02am
Isabelle, c'est formidable! Un lupin?

basia - Feb, 10 2009 09:02am
Yes Petra, this is lupin. The genus comprises between 200-600 species, with major centers of diversity in South America and western North America and w regionie Morza Śródziemnego i Afryki.(wikipedia)

frenchfrog - Feb, 11 2009 10:02am
Thanks Petra and Basia for increasing my knowledge of plants..!

pesu - Feb, 11 2009 11:02am
You're welcome - hehe, my knowledge of plants is quite limited, too...

horourke - Feb, 11 2009 04:02pm
This photo has the following points of merit.
The angle catches crystal sharp detail of the flower spike and the characteristic leaf-cluster. There is a well softened context of grass seed stalks and other low height vegetation. Very well done

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