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Galeria de Los Dazantes's by frenchfrog

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information about mexico  Monte AlbanMexico, Oaxaca
Galeria de Los Dazantes (the Dancer’s Gallery). The Building of the Danzantes was so named because it was thought that carvings associated with it depicted individuals engaged in ritual dances; others have argued that they represent individuals with deformities who, in ancient Mesoamerica, were thought to possess special powers; still others suggest that they represent slain and mutilated captives, a suggestion that now seems most plausible.
The figures are all nude males and obese with thick lips, features that might have been attributed to the influence of the Olmecs culture. The Danzante stones were originally considered depictions of “Dancers”. But a more likely interpretation is that the “dancing” men are in fact sacrificial victims. The scrolls which eminate from their bowels and genitalia are probably depictions of ritual mutilation. Some stones tablets also recorded the medical knowledge of the Zapotecs showing a women giving birth, broken limbs….it even show different races
Uploaded: Oct, 14 2009 | Taken: Apr, 03 2009| Viewed: 27 times  | 3 votes
Camera: NIKON CORPORATION | Model: NIKON D40X | Exposure 10/3200s, ISO 100 | FLength: 42mm | SW: Picasa 3.0

pesu - Oct, 14 2009 07:10am
Great information, Isabelle, thanks!

aufgehts - Oct, 14 2009 05:10pm
You learned a lot Isabelle!

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