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I don't like red...'s by frenchfrog

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information about france  Cirque de troumouseFrance, Languedoc-Roussillon
I don't like red...I am out of here.
Sheeps comming back down to the valley for the winter. The spent all summer in the high up pastures.
Uploaded: Dec, 15 2007 | Taken: Sep, 15 2007| Viewed: 39 times  | 6 votes
Camera: NIKON | Model: COOLPIX S4 | Exposure 10/4400s, ISO 50 | FLength: 10mm | SW: Picasa 3.0

rangutan - Dec, 15 2007 03:12pm
Isabelle, this is an example where the GLOBO white label destroys a picture? Or should you always aim lower? [4.5] I assume the sheep are aerosol-sprayed red to identify them when it snows?

frenchfrog - Dec, 15 2007 03:12pm
yes, as well to identify the owner as 3 farmers might share the land.

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