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Krasnoyarsk a Trans Siberian station.'s by frenchfrog

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information about russia  KrasnoyarskRussia, Krasnoyarskiy Kray
At least a small opportunit-y to stech my legs, and have a look at the splendid Krasnoyars-k station.
Uploaded: Jan, 07 2006 | Taken: Sep, 28 2005| Viewed: 28 times  | 5 votes

davidx - Jan, 07 2006 03:01pm
Good picture - a bit of airbrusing might help as the wires detract from the building.

horourke - Jan, 07 2006 07:01pm
Technically very good with interesting lighting defining the angles of the buildings. I like the clouds that give a hint of the cool weather. Maybe cropping right and left would eliminate one pylon an

horourke - Jan, 07 2006 07:01pm
Technically very good with interesting lighting defining the angles of the buildings. I like the clouds that give a hint of the cool weather. Maybe cropping right and left would eliminate one pylon an

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