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Quipu's by frenchfrog

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information about peru  LimaPeru, Lima
Quipu at the National Archeologi---cal Museum. It was in some kind the Inca calculator---.
Uploaded: Feb, 19 2006 | Taken: Sep, 04 2004| Viewed: 54 times  | 8 votes

davidx - Feb, 19 2006 04:02pm
I really like this a lot but I'm blowed if I know what rating to give it!

rangutan - Feb, 19 2006 05:02pm
"Travel Calculator", timeplan? I hope to meet Erich von Däniken in Munich in April, this and other discoveries are part of his current research on ancient space travel....

aerollin83 - Feb, 19 2006 07:02pm
What is this? it's so unusual. How are the museums there?

davidx - Feb, 20 2006 08:02am
I woke in the night having been looking at it in my sleep! Thus I know now how to grade it. 5*!

frenchfrog - Feb, 25 2006 03:02pm
The Inca Quipu was a device for recording information, with differrents nots meaning differrent things. Counting the crops ...There are still mysteries surronding the complete use of the Quipu.

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